Donald Trump Impeachment Betting

The betting markets are going full throttle in trying to predict the outcome of next week’s impeachment trial. While Democrats race to convict former President Trump, the gamblers are putting their. The best time to bet on Donald Trump’s impeachment odds is when the “Yes” odds give the bettor any kind of profit in return. However, betting on the President's odds to not be impeached are an alternative way to bet on Trump if you’re a staunch supporter of President Trump take the “No” odds.

Is it legal to bet on whether or not former President Donald Trump will be impeached again? Is it legal to bet on Biden Impeachment now that Dementia Joe is in office? Well, there is no more hot-button issue in politics these days than Presidential impeachment. It doesn’t happen often, but when articles of impeachment are considered or brought against a sitting US President, you can expect there to be significant interest from the betting public.


Presidential impeachment odds are extremely popular when offered by offshore political betting sites and sportsbooks as a general rule, but the debate surrounding Donald Trump's impeachments were the loudest and most polarizing in the history of America.

  • Typically, you can bet on Donald Trump’s impeachment odds at any reputable offshore sports betting site, but there are no betting lines posted for his impeachment chances at the moment.
  • Donald Trump impeachment odds halved as bookies reveal flood of bets on President failing to complete term. Arithmetic and history are against punters, but bookmakers described betting trends.
  • Trump Odds, Donald Trump Betting Donald Trump Election Odds. With the upcoming Election just around the corrner, MyBookie is in overdrive getting the public the chance to make some money on this modern-day live spectacle that is the Donald Trump Presidency, love him or hate him, you know he will be the top story of the day, and usually will make for some entertaining prop bets for us to have.

If you think you know how the political world is trending on the subject of Presidential impeachment, it makes sense to put a few dollars on your hunch. However, to do so, you’ve got to know where to legally bet on impeachment odds in the first place, so read on to find out!

Is It Legal To Bet On Presidential Impeachment?

Yes, you can wager on Presidential impeachment at any reputable sportsbook that offers lines on it. However, we have yet to find the opportunity to do so at any domestic US betting sites or brick-and-mortar venues, as political betting seems to be shunned (or even legally banned) by US-regulated sportsbooks. As a result, your best option is to use an offshore election betting site in order to get in on the action.

There are no federal online gambling laws that make it a crime to place bets on politics or to do so at offshore betting sites that are operating legally within the industry. Both CT and WA do have state laws prohibiting all forms of online gambling, but those laws are not historically enforced, and we’re not aware of a single resident ever being “impeached” for gambling over the Internet. However, when you wager online in these states, understand that you do so at your own risk.

Best Legal Online Sportsbooks To Bet On Presidential Impeachment

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In 2019, the United States House of Representatives successfully impeached President Donald J. Trump and handed his fate over to the US Senate. The Republican-controlled Senate overturned the impeachment and acquitted President Trump, allowing him to resume his term of office.

In January 2021, Trump became the first US President to be impeached twice, as the House Democrats tried to pop him on charges of 'incitement of insurrection.' By the time Trump's second impeachment trial got to the Senate, he was already a private citizen again, and the Senate voted to acquit him on Saturday, Feb. 13, 2021.

However, you will still likely find Trump impeachment odds going forward, as now that there is precedent to impeach a public official after their term in office, we expect Trump to be impeached practically ad infinitum. After all, the news needs something to report on!

Donald trump impeachment betting against

Will Donald Trump be impeached again?

Probably. He's already been impeached twice (2019, 2021) and acquitted twice. And because Trump was a private citizen for his second impeachment trial in the Senate, there is now procedural precedent to keep impeaching him forever.

For bettors, future Trump impeachment would be an interesting proposition (bet), as it would require close analysis of the current political climate in a context that doesn't really include the accused party.

Strange times are ahead, and a third Trump impeachment could be part of them. But if you expect the third time to be the charm, we'd advise not betting against The Donald.

Did Trump Get Impeached?

Yes, and twice! In 2019, the Democrat-controlled US House of Representatives successfully impeached President Trump for the charges of 'abuse of power.' He was impeached by a vote of 230-197, with almost all votes falling along party lines. Trump was not removed from the White House, however, as the Senate, controlled by the GOP, voted to acquit him on all charges.

In 2021, Trump was impeached again, this time for 'incitement of insurrection.' The House voted again along party lines, sending the case to the Senate. There, 57 Senators (including seven GOP Senators) voted for conviction, far short of the 2/3 threshold required. Trump was acquitted on Saturday, February 13, 2021.

Where Can I Legally Bet on Presidential Impeachment Odds?

Impeachment betting is the most popular category or market for legal political betting right now, as news of Donald Trump’s last impeachment is still pounding the mainstream media 24/7. It is the water-cooler discussion of the last three years, and there’s no getting away from it.

As a result, many curious voters and political wagering enthusiasts are looking to place bets on future Presidential impeachment odds for other political figures. Vice Presidential impeachment is even being mentioned now.

All of the sportsbooks we recommend on this page cover the odds for Trump to be impeached, as well as the odds for Biden to be impeached. You can even expect some to offer lines on whether or not VP Kamala Harris will be impeached. Impeachment is the meme of the political now, so you should try to capitalize on it as much as possible.

Best Funding Method For Legal Impeachment Betting

While there are several ways to load up your betting accounts at legal online casinos and sportsbooks offering impeachment odds, Bitcoin is the best funding method. Bitcoin not only provides a safe, secure, anonymous way to wager on impeachment online, but it’s also the best way to receive payouts. When betting at offshore sites, Bitcoin is the only same-day withdrawal method offered.

Plus, using fiat money to bet on the ouster of the highest-ranking government officials just seems...wrong. Bitcoin takes government out of the game so you can bet on taking government out of the game! And that is unimpeachable!

Donald Trump Impeachment 2019-2021

Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential election as a massive betting (and polling) underdog, and his victory is now the second most controversial in history (after his November 2020 loss).


Effectively half of the US population believed that Trump had outside foreign assistance, while the other half thought that Trump had been unfairly vilified by a biased media and various outspoken career politicians. That never changed during his years in office, and it's not changed now as of 2021.

In 2019, the US House of Representatives successfully impeached Donald Trump, but the US Senate acquitted him. However, Trump – despite losing reelection – was impeached again in January 2021, becoming the first POTUS to be impeached twice.

Naturally, the top sites where legal online betting is offered posted betting odds on the chances of that second impeachment occurring, as well as Trump's Senate conviction odds and other related political prop bets.

Pros And Cons Of Presidential Impeachment

Impeaching a sitting President is a huge risk for both sides of the political spectrum. The process is based on a calculus that takes into consideration any and all potential fallout from initiating the process, whether it remains an impeachment inquiry, full-blown impeachment, or removal from office.

Impeachment can have a huge effect on both Democratic election odds and Republican election odds. When betting on Presidential impeachment and assessing the impeachment chances for a given President, all these factors must be accounted for.


  • Upholding law and order to show that nobody – not even the President of the United States – is above the law
  • Removing a President who has shown conduct detrimental to the domestic and national security
  • Addressing and correcting perceived fraudulent activity on the part of the President or those working under their direct orders


  • Alienating significant voter blocs
  • Convincing a large number of voters that their votes did not count
  • Risking Congressional re-election in the US House and Senate for those supporting (or opposing) the impeachment process
  • Galvanizing opposition party voter turnout in future elections, harming the party that brought impeachment charges
  • Potentially delegitimizing the fundamental election process in the eyes of the President’s supporters
  • Civil unrest and global instability

Presidential impeachment involves three steps:

  • Congressional investigation of alleged Presidential malfeasance (usually undertaken by the House Judiciary Committee). All impeachment proceedings begin in the US House of Representatives.
  • The House must pass Articles of Impeachment against the President, which is done via a simple majority (50% + 1).
  • The US Senate then conducts a trial of the President. The Supreme Court Chief Justice presides over the Senate trial.

Donald Trump Impeachment Update

In all of US history, only three Presidents have ever been formally impeached by the US House: Andrew Johnson (1868), Bill Clinton (1998-1999), and Donald Trump (2019, 2021).

All three were acquitted in the Senate.

Notably, in 1974, President Richard Nixon resigned from office as impeachment proceedings were pending.

The official actions for which a sitting President can be impeached are fairly broad as outlined by federal law. These include “Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

So, basically anything.

The US Senate has the final say on whether a President is convicted during an impeachment trial.

To remove a sitting President via impeachment, a two-thirds Senate supermajority must vote to convict (which is usually 67 votes), at which point the President would be automatically and immediately removed from office.

The impeachment process has no fixed timeline or deadline.

The procedure can take months between discovery and trial, or those processes may take just a few weeks. Typically, the lead-up to impeachment – i.e. the impeachment inquiry – is what takes the longest amount of time.

Trump's first impeachment took much longer than his second, for example.

No. It is a common misconception that impeachment and removal are the same thing, but impeachment is only a potential precursor to removal.

No US President has ever been removed from office after an impeachment.


Professor Who Predicted Trump Impeachment

Not automatically. Impeachment, conviction, and removal from office are all considered to be political processes, not criminal.

However, a President, once removed from office, can be tried in criminal court.

Every US President faces talk of impeachment at some point during their term(s) in office, but impeachment betting odds are usually reserved for when there is a serious Congressional push to launch an inquiry or bring charges against a sitting head of state.

Of course, when that happens, impeachment odds become the most popular and sought-after betting lines at legal online sportsbooks, and that’s been the case in 2019 as Donald Trump faces down serious allegations of impeachable offenses.

Still, because impeachment is an intensely political process with ramifications on both sides of the aisle and with the public at large (no matter which way the proceedings go), bettors are often extremely tempered in their analysis of whether or not a President will be impeached. That said, as with all legal political betting, there is much to be gleaned about a President’s impeachment chances by looking to the odds boards.

Is It Legal To Bet On Presidential Impeachment Odds?

Odds Of Trump Impeachment

It is largely considered to be legal to wager on Presidential impeachment odds if you use an offshore betting site to do so. Despite the growing number of US-regulated online and brick-and-mortar sportsbooks popping up across the country, you will not find political betting odds at these locations.

This is because most state governments either disallow or discourage sportsbooks from offering election odds. Fortunately, political betting has always been popular at offshore sites, and those remain the only places to find odds on politics and government-related issues.

Important note: In two US states – Connecticut and Washington – there are laws on the books that ban online betting of any kind. That said, these laws are considered unenforceable, and neither state has ever arrested or fined any resident for gambling over the Internet. Still, if you live in CT or WA, we advise you to follow local and all federal betting laws and only bet online at your own risk.

Best Sportsbooks Offering Impeachment Betting Lines

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50% Max $250Visit Site
250% Max $1,000Visit Site
350% Max $1,000Visit Site
4100% Max $500Visit Site

Betting On Donald Trump's Impeachment Odds

Typically, you can bet on Donald Trump’s impeachment odds at any reputable offshore sports betting site, but there are no betting lines posted for his impeachment chances at the moment. That is largely due to the forthcoming 2020 Presidential election, where Democratic Party leaders are hopeful that US voters will oust Trump and alleviate the need for them to begin the impeachment process again.

Our political prop bets guide is a good tool for exploring prop bets such as impeachment odds, and other factors surrounding the 2020 Presidential election. This prob bet tutorial will properly prepare bettors for when impeachment odds eventually reappear at political sportsbooks.

Current Odds for Donald Trump to be Impeached Again

There are no current odds for Donald Trump being impeached at major offshore legal sports betting sites because of the upcoming Presidential election in November. Democrats, and even some Republicans, like US Senator Mitt Romney, are hopeful that Joe Biden will win the Presidency and alleviate the need for impeachment hearings to begin again.

Will Donald Trump be impeached again? If he wins his reelection bid in 2020, he almost certainly will face impeachment hearings in the US House. If and when that happens, top political sportsbooks will produce odds that will allow bettors to wager the outcome.

Will Biden complete first term as U.S. President?

  • Yes -165
  • No +125

Will New Articles Of Impeachment Be Filed

  • Before Jan 20, 2021 - Yes -220
  • Before Jan 20, 2021 - No +155

What Is a Presidential Impeachment?

Donald Trump Impeachment Betting Odds

Impeachment is a largely misunderstood concept. Many people think that impeachment means that a President will be removed from office, but that’s actually never happened. Impeachment is a legal accusation of criminal malfeasance, and it is purely a political process. An analogy to Presidential impeachment is, for private citizens, a criminal or civil charge in a court of law. And like every person in America, once impeached, the President gets due process before removal can ever happen.

Current Odds On Trump Impeachment

Throughout all of US history, only two Presidents have ever been impeached: Bill Clinton (1998-1999) and Andrew Johnson (1868). Richard Nixon was set to face impeachment in 1974, but he resigned the Presidency before any charges were brought.

How Does the Impeachment Process Work?

The Presidential impeachment process is simple enough, and it includes the following fundamental procedural steps:

  1. The US House of Representatives opens an impeachment inquiry against a sitting President after reports or evidence that said President has committed an illegal action that falls under the umbrella of “Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”
  2. The US House takes a vote on whether or not to bring Articles of Impeachment against the President. A simple majority is required to officially bring such charges.
  3. Once the Articles of Impeachment are passed, the US Senate takes over, conducting a trial of the President. This trial is overseen by the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court.
  4. If the President is found guilty via a two-thirds supermajority vote in the Senate, he or she is immediately removed from office.
  5. The Vice President then becomes the President of the United States.
  6. If the VP is also impeached, the House Speaker would become President.

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